In accordance with best practice Murray & Roberts Cementation does not have a safety management system that interfaces with the company’s business management system, but rather a business management system that ensures safety, reliability and quality.
Baseline risk assessments are carried out prior to the start of our projects. The baseline risk assessment displays inherent risk values (before controls are put in place) and mitigating controls. Risk with a residual value exceeding the risk appetite will be subject to a specific issue based risk assessment in order to determine whether additional controls will be necessary to further reduce the risk to an acceptable level (ALARP – As low as reasonably practicable).

The KnowRisk ® software allows for risk modelling ensuring lessons learnt from previous projects are shared and are available to future projects to prevent the reoccurrence of adverse events. It doubles up as a risk library in that it houses generic business related risks inclusive of all mining processes and allows for site specific project risk registers. The KnowRisk ® software is primarily utilised to establish inherent risk values, however subjective residual risk estimations can also be provided for various projects.
Procedures are developed with identified associated risks. Procedural HAZOP’s will be conducted periodically to ensure procedures comprehensively address all risks.
These procedures are stored in the electronic library system. The electronic library houses all the business processes, policies & procedures for the company.
The G-Risk software is the reporting software relying on continuous risk assessment to monitor the residual risks through the following techniques:
- Inspections
- Formal / Informal Observations
- Investigations (RCAT)
- Internal / External Audits
- Management Review
- Near hit / incident / injury reporting
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